Thursday, September 1, 2011

September is for Shooting (pictures of course!)

There is so much going on in my life in September: the Canal Winchester Labor Day Festival, Millersport Sweet Corn Festival, Ella starts school and has a birthday, I have photo shoots for Marcy Harris Photography.. I wanted to have a way to showcase all of those wonderful events and share them with my friends--thus, this new photo blog! Please visit often to see what is going on in my world!

This morning Damien, Ella (and Lyza) and I went to Waffle House. We go there often because we always have wonderful service and Ella loves their chocolate waffles!

Damien is going to kill me for putting his picture on here-oh well! My reflection made it into this post too (5 bucks to anyone that finds it)!

Ella making a silly face into her spoon :)

I love SWEET TEA!!!

Have a Happy September 1st everyone!

<3, Marcy

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