Thursday, February 23, 2012

Photographs Are {so so much} More Than Paper

Last month I read a blog post from a fellow photographer and it really hit me. Hard. A previous client of hers had written her a letter explaining how she had scheduled a family portrait session and cancelled it thinking that it was too expensive. The letter went on to detail that she ended up spending the money she saved for her session on a number of frivolous things that week: a haircut, going out to eat, etc. A few weeks or so later, that same woman was diagnosed with a quickly spreading cancer and it was in those moments that she regretted so badly having cancelled her family portrait session. She would obviously have rather spent her money on photographs to document her family's ever so precious last memories together.

Having lost my daughter's grandmother to cancer only a few years ago, that story was so close to my heart. This past week, my family lost a very precious little angel. Charlotte, only 6 months old, passed away due to SIDS. Now this story rings in my ears.

I am so thankful to have been able to capture the very essence of this little girl both times she sat in front of my camera. I am so grateful that her mother trusted me to take photos of her as a newborn. The tiny little creature, wide eyed looking right into me through that lens. She was so sweet and so lovely. Even her cry is beautiful in those images. Then at Christmas, the four girl cousins sat together in front of the fire place for me. Little Charlotte had on only a diaper cover and a headband and looked like a little chubby cherub. I will never forget hysterically sing laughing "Jingle Bells" as loudly as possible to keep all the girls giggling and smiling. These are the memories, these are the photos that our family will cherish forever.

It is unbelievable to write this. It is unthinkable to have lost such a precious little girl. That is why I feel it is so important for me to tell you. Photos last forever. Photos are the only tangible thing that you have to remind you of those moments. This is not a sales tactic. I don't care if it's me or one of my fellow photographers that you use. Just go. You will not regret it.

Thank you for letting me share this with you.


  1. I'm sorry for your loss. Losing an infant is so hard. Thank you for sharing the importance of a photograph. I will be linking to this from my photography blog, for potential clients to read. I was actually looking for the post you linked to when I found your post. I too read that post a few weeks back and was moved by it.


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