Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Post One - A [RE]Introduction

Dear Friends,
I have rewritten this post over and over trying to figure out what I should say. The first blog post should be an introduction, a ‘welcome—this is me’ type of message. All I kept writing about was what happened last year, the reason I have been gone for so long. The reason this blog hasn’t been touched for a year. The reason I put down my camera and walked away from Marcy Harris Photography. For good (I thought.) It was depressing. Literally like a storm cloud of doom was hovering over me while I was writing it. But that is not what I want to talk about. I will not let the mistakes of my past define me. I am back! I am here. I am ready to pick up and start again. So without further ado—my introduction.
I am a mom. That is one of the biggest things that I think defines me as a person. Sure I have kids, four great ones that I love with all my heart. And although I do mother them—to the best of my ability, that’s not exactly what I mean. I am a mother in every situation I am in. If I see a person on the street with their shoe untied, I tell them to tie it. If I find trash on the ground, I go out of my way to pick it up. When a friend is faced with a challenge, I hug them tightly. I listen, I cook, I gift. And I love. The whole world and all its problems. Unconditionally. With my whole heart. Like a mother.
I’m not a stay-at-home-mom. Though I often wish I was. Or a work-from-home-mom, which I hope to be someday. I work 9-5, 5 days a week, at a job I am not crazy about. For a corporate bank. And it pays fine, but it is dreadfully boring. And all day, I dream. About being home with my babies and photography. And what I can do to make that dream a reality. I am a dreamer. But I always make it too hard. A destination with no map. It feels like I just woke up and that sensation of dreaming is there, but I just can’t recall the details. Do you know what I mean? I make it too hard. I muck up the dream with all these details and roadblocks. And my dream remains an over the top out of reach New Year’s Resolution that I never get to or quit before the first day. I don’t want it to be like that. I want to change.
It hasn’t been easy. But I’m back. Things are changing around here. They’re looking up. I got a new camera. I am taking photos again. I am blogging. And I am ready. This is only the introduction, not the end. Cheers to that my friends.

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